Hi there! It’s been a busy week because I have a major deadline coming up at work, but I learned some interesting things about Ansible and its integrated templating language called Jinja. Whether you’ve looked at Ansible or not, I’d argue that when you do whatever task you have in mind will benefit from templating so I highly recommend you look into it. There’s so much to the Ansible documentation and I found most of the getting started stuff focused too much on inventories rather than tasks. I understand the need for this now, but looking back I feel like the way people talk about Ansible it should be easier to make something that “does something” out of the box other than just ping and set NTP.

I have a few posts planned for new guides that I haven’t gotten to work on yet, but I hope to have them up within another week or two! One will probably be related to Jinja as I mentioned in this post, but I’ve also worked a lot with Cloud-Init recently so I may to try throw that in too. See you again then!